April CFP

Norman McLaren Centenary: McLaren and Movement

(DEADLINE 2nd April 2014)

Norman McLaren posits that he probably became a filmmaker because he had been unable to be a dancer or choreographer. One could argue that the underlying concern of his work is movement.  Even when McLaren’s films have explicitly focused on dance as their central thesis, McLaren has drawn attention to the fact that within this body of work he aimed “to grasp the very essence of movement” (Sequences, 1975).  Bearing this assertion in mind, this month’s blog theme will focus on movement in the work of Norman McLaren.
Topics may include but are not limited to:

– McLaren and movement

– McLaren and dance

– McLaren and choreography

– McLaren’s ballet films

Posts of between 300 and 500 words, which discuss any aspect of the above topic are welcome.  Contributors are encouraged to include clips and images to support their posts.  Please also include a short bio to accompany the post. All permissions are the responsibility of the contributor. Please contact blog@animationstudies.org with submissions or questions.