The early twentieth century bore witness not only to the emergence of the ‘standalone’ printed comic book, but also to the birth of the animated film. In many ways, comics have often been associated with their moving image counterparts, as…
The early twentieth century bore witness not only to the emergence of the ‘standalone’ printed comic book, but also to the birth of the animated film. In many ways, comics have often been associated with their moving image counterparts, as…
While certain comic book narratives have already been adapted into various film franchises, televised cartoons, webcomics and interactive experiences, the emergence of the motion comic has further transformed the relationship between the comic book medium and moving image culture. It…
When I think about the term ‘digital animation’, the work of the late British animator Run Wrake instantly springs to mind. An early example of his work, Buttmeat (1996), embraces the ability of the drawn line to morph and change…