‘Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.’ (Norman McLaren) This quote can be recited by heart by most people in the animation field, usually in the pursuit of the…
‘Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.’ (Norman McLaren) This quote can be recited by heart by most people in the animation field, usually in the pursuit of the…
Animation can represent change, even when this is invisible. Moreover, even deprived of the dimension of time, animation can recreate/represent variance and difference. Difference and variance is at the crux of the creation of animation’s illusion. Norman McLaren (in Sifianos…
When we listen to music there comes a distinct experience of the passing of time. As the music changes, develops and grows, certain ‘events’ in the sound mark out a subjective feeling of time. Our awareness of following this passage…
It can be argued that the primary emphasis of the animation process is on observation of movement. As animators, we are continually studying motion in order to understand the way things naturally move and interact. Motion can be considered the…
“The delight of animation comes of the experience of movement, and the art of animation is, above all, that of movement”, writes Thomas Lamarre (2013: 117). At the heart of our contemporary cinematographic understanding of animation are older meanings of…