Animation is a time-based image-making practice that can change our ideas, experience, and view of the world. Both metamorphosis and metaphor are powerful means to realizing this capacity. In the broadest sense, metamorphosis can be characterized as a striking change…
Tag Archive for metamorphosis
A Virtual Roundtable on Relations Between Metaphor and Metamorphosis (Part 3)
by Erwin Feyersinger and Carmen Hannibal • September 27, 2021 • 1 Comment
Animation is a time-based image-making practice that can change our ideas, experience, and view of the world. Both metamorphosis and metaphor are powerful means to realizing this capacity. In the broadest sense, metamorphosis can be characterized as a striking change…
A Virtual Roundtable on Relations Between Metaphor and Metamorphosis (Part 2)
by Erwin Feyersinger and Carmen Hannibal • September 13, 2021 • 1 Comment
Animation is a time-based image-making practice that can change our ideas, experience, and view of the world. Both metamorphosis and metaphor are powerful means to realizing this capacity. In the broadest sense, metamorphosis can be characterized as a striking change…
A Virtual Roundtable on Relations Between Metaphor and Metamorphosis (Part 1)
by Erwin Feyersinger and Carmen Hannibal • September 6, 2021 • 1 Comment
Animation is a time-based image-making practice that can change our ideas, experience, and view of the world. Both metamorphosis and metaphor are powerful means to realizing this capacity. In the broadest sense, metamorphosis can be characterized as a striking change…
Meditations on Metamorphosis: Natural History and Animation in Chomón’s Trick Films
by Colin Williamson • September 17, 2018 • 3 Comments
Animation is the medium that allows for a dramatization of a skirmish with nature. -Esther Leslie, “Animation and History” In Segundo de Chomón’s Création de la Serpentine (1908), a sorcerer transforms a billowing piece of fabric into a woman…