If, as I believe, Art is a never ending search for the elusive real, there are many ways to go about that infinite task and, short of using a stick and making marks in the wet sand, using one’s fingers…
Author Archive for Jean Detheux
Can (should) Animation reach beyond the “entertainment dependency?”
by Jean Detheux • February 19, 2015 • 5 Comments
Recent conversations on Facebook and elsewhere revolving around the second of my 2 visual renditions of Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. 8 in C minor (see more about this below, including a link to the web version) made me realize once…
James Ensor, Willem de Kooning, and “Visual Karaoke.”
by Jean Detheux • February 12, 2014 • 2 Comments
More and more often, I see digital images appear in various forums focusing on digital art, images that, to me, are to Art what karaoke is to Music. Simple as that Why? Because, in the Art that I “know” and…
Neither Fischinger nor McLaren, Visual Music in a different key
by Jean Detheux • June 24, 2013 • 3 Comments
Music informs images just as images inform music. This sounds simple enough, it is a manifestation of an essential (yet often overlooked) aspect of perception, that of “sense-giving” and of “sense-receiving” (Maurice Merleau-Ponty and, of course, Edmund Husserl, did brilliant…