CFP – Animation Auteurs   January Theme

(DEADLINE 4th January 2016)

This month’s theme examines the animation auteur or single author animation. Can we construct a cannon of animation directors as auteur in the same way as live action directors? Have independent animators always had a signature by virtue of their ‘hand’ in the performance? How far can we consider the director the author in animation? Or is the author still dead?

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Individual practise and signatures
  • Authorship in collaboration
  • Director credit on multi-animator projects
  • Computer Generated auteurs?

Posts of between 300 and 500 words, which discuss any aspect of the above topic are welcome. Contributors are encouraged to include clips and images to support their posts. Please also include a short bio to accompany the post. All permissions are the responsibility of the contributor. Please contact the editor with submissions or questions.