Animation goes, in all its superficiality, deeply into the substance of being, the hidden realms, the crevices beneath usual exposure, the constructions and reconstructions. […] Film is the unknowing suspension of disbelief in stand-ins, doppelgangers, avatars, things that only pretend…
Tag Archive for performance
Representing sexuality in animation, how limiting is technique?
by Adam de Beer • January 21, 2015 • 6 Comments
In spite of animation’s inherent plasticity and the implication that animation can “resist outmoded notions of… performance” and “carry with it alternative ideological imperatives” (Wells, 1998, p.227) prime time television animation tends to follow the stereotypical representations of most visual…
Animation and Performance
by Lynn Tomlinson • September 30, 2013 • 6 Comments
In preparing my presentation for June’s SAS meeting at USC, on three women who dance or perform along their animated projections, I came across an intriguing article by Teri Silvio, in the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, entitled “Animation: The New…
The Voice
by David Perlmutter • September 23, 2013 • 1 Comment
In the beginning was the voice. The voice was that of the characters, and the very world in which animated series exist. The creators heard it, and with their pens and paintbrushes, they made the visual aspect of it real.…
Motion capture; the inner life of the marionette.
by Steve Hawley • September 16, 2013 • 1 Comment
Actor (2013) is a 12 minute film where a performer wanders round a space reciting the final chapter of Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange[i]. His performance, guided by an unseen director, was recorded not by a film camera, but by…