One of the challenges of teaching an introductory animation history is finding an adequate book. There are plenty of examples of well-researched histories, but most of them have some sort of limitation—for example, being too narrow in scope (maybe focusing…
animationstudies 2.0
‘Sorry, I can’t make the class; I’m having my hair cut.’
by Barry Purves • March 11, 2013 • 1 Comment
The student who spoke those lines to me recently did not appear to accompany Tim Reckhart down the red carpet at last month’s Oscar ceremony. I wonder why. Seeing Tim there was an impressive sight, even more so as his…
animationstudies 2.0
Writing Animation History
by Harvey Deneroff • March 4, 2013 • 4 Comments
I have two definitions of history which I keep coming back to in my mind. 1. History is what was known once but has been forgotten. 2. History is the present’s interpretation of the past. — Luke McKernan, “Media and…